Who reads the same book or watch the same movie more than once already have an excuse to give to family and friends. The craze has nothing to do with addiction or obsessive behavior, but it is a conscious effort to find deeper layers of meaning in the material and reflect on their own maturity.
This is the result of a research team led by Cristel Russell, a professor at American University in the United States. He interviewed 23 people to identify the reasons for what he called "re-use" of a material and found that the behavior is not an attempt to revive the past, but a search for meaning, which can have great emotional value.
The re-use can even act as a kind of therapy, since it allows one to consider how the interpretation of the book or film changed with time. According to scientists, it can serve as a contrast between the present self and the self of the past. They cite the example of a study participant. Evangelical pastor, he reread the Bible many times. According to their age, interpret passages differently - a sign of growth.
The result of the research, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, can be used by the book market. According to Russell, the sellers always try to bring new experiences and fresh, but the old experiences can also be repeated in order to open new perspectives.
Source Galileu.
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