Friday, 24 February 2012

Group finds extrasolar planet habitable

World located 20.4 light years away could harbor life.
Scientists estimate that it is only slightly larger than Earth.

Artist's conception of habitable planet around Gliese 581. (Photo: ESO)
The search is finally over - or, in the words of the scientists themselves, it just got more interesting. A European group of researchers has discovered a planet outside our solar system that is much like Earth, with potential conditions to harbor life.

He is one of the three known planets orbiting a star called Gliese 581. This is a star of the most common of a class known as red dwarfs - smaller and cooler than the Sun The innermost planet is probably a gas giant, similar in size to Neptune, and completes an orbit around the star every 5.4 days on land. It was discovered two years ago.

The innovations are the other two planets, presented in a paper submitted to the journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics" (which was embargoed until this Tuesday 20h). The outermost one complete turn every 84 days and is about eight times the land mass. More interesting is that the middle planet. He has "only" five times the mass of the Earth (the smallest ever detected) and has a year that lasts a measly 13 days.

Although he is much closer to Gliese 581 than Earth's sun, as his star is much dimmer, its orbit falls into the so-called Zone of Habitability. It is the region in which a planet is not neither too hot nor too cold, and may harbor liquid water - essential to life main feature.

The group led by Michel Mayor of Geneva Observatory in Switzerland, estimates that the average temperature in this world is between 0 and 40 degrees Celsius - not unlike the Earth, whose average temperature is 15 degrees.

  • Hunting data
The study of planets outside our solar system - there are more than the 200 known today - is still a delicate task. As they are very distant, it is impossible with current techniques, view the planet - the brightness of the star ends up overshadowing the parent. The most common strategy to detect them is to observe the star over time, trying to detect in its light, signs of movement.The idea is that while the planets revolve around the star, they draw from one side to the other, producing a stellar wobble. The detection of this wobble can be deduced that the planets would be needed to produce it.This was the technique used by Mayor and colleagues to detect the cousin closest to Earth today. The problem is that the data obtained with a telescope of ESO (European Southern Observatory) in Chile, do not say everything there is to know about this star. For example, it is possible to establish the mass, but the diameter (roughly the "width") of the world still depends on the chutômetro.Scientists estimate that the star has recently discovered about one and a half times the diameter of Earth (which would give a little less than 20,000 km).
  • Cruel Questions
Everything else on this planet remains open. This includes, of course, the most essential features of this world. "We believe it is a rocky planet like Earth, with some oceans," said the G1, by telephone, Mayor. "However, some models suggest that it may be what is called 'ocean planet', with much more water than the Earth."

In the Solar System, there is no example of a planet-ocean. "But the theoretical models show that it could exist elsewhere," says Mayor. The key to this was that the planet to form farther away from the star, where there is more ice, and then migrate to the interior of the system. A nice portion of the total mass would create a global ocean, with many miles deep.Based on the information available, it is impossible to say whether the newly discovered star is most like Earth or a planet-ocean, but the fact is that in both cases, the presence of liquid water would be ensured. For most scientists, this is the basic precondition for the evolution of life.

Foto: Divulgação
Image shows the red dwarf star Gliese 581. (Photo: ESO)

  • Good and bad news

Of course, between being able to have life and have it go a long distance. And astronomers say they will still need a few decades of research so that the instruments are capable of searching for "signatures" of life in the light of these objects.

The most eloquent conclusion, however, is that the discovery shows evidence that the universe must be full of planets like Earth. The star Gliese 581 is one of the hundred closest to the Sun It is 20.4 light years away - which is not so far away, in astronomical terms, is right there.

The fact that we found so similar neighbors already in the vicinity shows that they must be everywhere. Now it's just a matter of finding.

Via G1.

"Pulse" of the planet may cause periodic extinction

Study reveals that elevation of the continents can kill marine species

Fossils of marine animals show that extinctions occur every 60 million years. (Credit: Shutterstock)

The fossils show that the marine biodiversity of the oceans of the planet falls every 60 million years. It's a cycle that has been going at least 500 million years and his reason was a mystery - until now. A theory formulated by the physicist and astronomer Adrian Melott of the University of Kansas, says that these extinctions are caused by a "pulse" on Earth, what happens with the same periodicity. The pulses would increase the continents, would leave the shallower seas and kill many species.

His conclusion came from a study on the amount of strontium-87 found in marine fossils. The substance is one of four stable isotopes of strontium, although less common than others - it represents only 7% of the total found on the planet. However, Adrian Melott found that the concentration of strontium-87 compared to strontium-86 in fossil marine rises every 60 million years, coinciding with the periods of extinction in the oceans.

The most common way to produce strontium-87 is the radioactive decay of other chemical, rubidium, material common in rocks of the continental crust. The scientist's conclusion was that something should happen to these rocks every 60 million years, to release the substance in the seas.

It was from here that Melott developed his thesis: the continents should be going through a kind of elevation, since this type of rock is the bottom-most layers of the earth. In the new time, they could erode and mix with water. The scientist faced periodic elevation of the continents as evidence of a "heartbeat" of the planet, possibly caused by movements in the Earth's core. The study shows that the conclusion will be published in March in the Journal of Geology.

Source Galileu.

Read books for the second time might be therapeutic

The tip also applies to movies watched more than once.


Who reads the same book or watch the same movie more than once already have an excuse to give to family and friends. The craze has nothing to do with addiction or obsessive behavior, but it is a conscious effort to find deeper layers of meaning in the material and reflect on their own maturity.

This is the result of a research team led by Cristel Russell, a professor at American University in the United States. He interviewed 23 people to identify the reasons for what he called "re-use" of a material and found that the behavior is not an attempt to revive the past, but a search for meaning, which can have great emotional value.

The re-use can even act as a kind of therapy, since it allows one to consider how the interpretation of the book or film changed with time. According to scientists, it can serve as a contrast between the present self and the self of the past. They cite the example of a study participant. Evangelical pastor, he reread the Bible many times. According to their age, interpret passages differently - a sign of growth.

The result of the research, published in the Journal of Consumer Research, can be used by the book market. According to Russell, the sellers always try to bring new experiences and fresh, but the old experiences can also be repeated in order to open new perspectives.

Source Galileu.

Newly discovered exoplanet has more water than Earth

Editora Globo
composition shows the planet orbiting its star / / Credit: NASA via BBC
Astronomers have confirmed that the exoplanet GJ 1214b, found in 2009, consists largely of water, like the Earth. Called "Super Earth" by scientists, water and high temperatures of the surface can create an environment conducive to life.

The planet (it's outside our solar system) GJ 1214b is relatively close to Earth, located 40 light-years away. It is larger than the planet and less than giant as Jupiter. Through observations by the Hubble Space Telescope, researchers were able to study details.

Editora Globo
The Hubble telescope can capture images of other galaxies / / Credit: NASA

It has been found, for example, that this planet is 2.7 times the diameter of the earth mass and an almost 7-fold. A complete órbitra around a dwarf red each 38 hours, at a distance of 2 million miles. By calculating the density of the planet, the scientists could also prove that he has more water than land and that its surface temperature is about 230 ° C.

"This planet is unlike anything we know. The high temperatures suggest that exotic materials can exist there, like 'hot ice' and 'superfluid water', "said astronomer Zachory Berta, the study coordinator.

Scientists speculate that the GJ1214b started to form far from its star, where the ice was abundant, and then approached, through the zone where surface temperatures would be similar to Earth.

Via BBC 

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

'Colonizing other planets is a matter of time (and money), "says Marcelo Gleiser

Astronomer is one of the interviewees of the program "The Universe" on NatGeo.

Editora Globo

For the astronomer Marcelo Gleiser, is only a matter of time (and money) to get to visit other planets, to colonize their lands and exploit its natural resources. Gleiser, astrophysics professor at Dartmouth College, one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States, is one of the interviewees of the program The Universe, which premieres this Sunday (15/01) National Geographic channel at 21pm.

The series aims to show the most important discoveries of space research, using computer graphics techniques, role play and examples of day-to-day to explain concepts of astronomy. The first episode shows how humans could survive the rigors of space and addressing adverse as radiation from the sun, huge swings in temperature and the absence of gravity.

Editora Globo

In conversation with the magazine Galileu, Gleiser said some details of the program and explained how humans could explore space and colonize other solar systems. See the interview:

"The series The Universe can pass some concepts of astronomy so very simple. How do you do to make this science, which sometimes seems so far away, into something meaningful to the lay public?

The interesting thing about this series is that it is not about abstract subjects. Rather. The first episode is about how humans can survive in space, it's about space exploration. The second is about how we could mine the other planets. There is another episode about how we can build space structures, driving on the moon, for example. This series is not about the great mysteries of the universe, is not about dark energy, black holes, Big Bang.

People have a huge interest in both practical issues (Are we going to Mars?) And these fundamental questions (How did the universe? What's inside a black hole). These are issues that are part of our collective culture. It is this kind of theme that science is playing a role very different from traditional, becomes part of a metaphysical question. The trick is to speak of abstract matters in the most concrete possible, using metaphors and analogies. But this is not the case with this program. Not that I do not like to discuss these issues, but the series is very real. Each episode deals with issues that would be part of the day to day if we were to space.

But you think it will happen someday?

The only thing left for us to take astronauts to Mars is money. There are still some obstacles. Radiation, for example, is intense, we must develop ways to protect ourselves against it. The atmosphere of Mars would also be terrible for us. But problems are technological, not fundamental. We must invest in research to get these new technologies. I think it's a matter of political will, which today is in the hands of the United States and China. At the time of the Cold War, it was worth investing in trip to the moon Now, however, the gain is not so clear.

At the end of the first episode, you say that the construction of artificial gravity environments to help in space exploration. Why?

One of the major problems of space travel is the fact that we have put men in the absence of gravity. We develop accustomed to our weight here on Earth. We have a muscle and bone structure that supports this force. In space, just letting you use these muscles. Then there is a serious problem of muscle atrophy and weakening of the skeleton.

What to do with the human body that will stay six months in zero gravity? One of the things that must be done is to create artificial gravity. We can, for example, accelerate a spacecraft. You have a car sped up and felt that push back? This is like an artificial gravity. At first, we could use this acceleration. However, since this would mean much fuel, is an infeasible solution. Another proposal is to build a spaceship that has rotation. If it's spinning like a carousel, you feel a pull out. This also simulates the gravity pull. I do not know if you remember the movie 2001 - A Space Odyssey, but it is one of the ships.

Space travel may one day become commonplace?

I think so. Our grandchildren are going to vacation on Mars. Will have summer camps on the planet for them. I see this as a kind of evolutionary necessity, just look at the history of colonization of the planet Earth. Africans and Asians have spread across the planet in search of food and environments to stay. And that has happened since the first nomadic hunters to European settlers. Along with this, there is an urge to go further. Human beings are by definition colonizers. We have a historical necessity to leave the planet, colonize the solar system and eventually go to other systems.

When that will happen nobody knows. I do not know if it is true that we to Mars in 15 years. But eventually it will happen. A series of episodes shows, for example, which may be diamond and Urano Neptune. If such a thing happens, the economic viability of this trip becomes resolved. For now, space exploration has been something of governments. But perhaps the future is in the private interests in the hands of entrepreneurs wanting to make money.

Some theorists propose that, to colonize space, we should send humans into no return trips to other planets. But that would not be cruel, since the conditions they would face would be terrible?

At least at the time of the Spaniards, they believed in the existence of El Dorado, so there was some hope that they would find a nice place. Quite different from what awaits us in space. However, I once saw an interview of a millionaire who paid for a trip to the space shuttle. He was so moved by what he saw to revolve around the Earth, if you were offered the opportunity to go to Mars and not return, he would yesterday. I think we would find a surprising number of volunteers for this type of travel.

But there is the possibility that such colonization is made gradually. Before you send people, we could send probes to build a remote environment, as well as the South Pole have an environment where people can survive, which is relatively large. And when this place was ready, send out some families there, knowing that never return. Then gradually, more people would come. And eventually we would create a community land there. This series is about the human aspirations of one day spread throughout the universe. Its beauty is that it responds to this enormous curiosity about the possibility of getting out of the earth and to be aliens from other planets."

Source Galileu.

Meet the secret life of books

Animation shows what happens in a bookstore at night.

The art director Sean Ohlenkamp and his wife Lisa Blonder Ohlenkamp created a video to show what makes the books when the store closes. Lots of creativity, the couple from Toronto, Canada, managed to do an incredible job.

Check out:

Via This Is Colossal.

8 things you did not know about sex

New studies show that there is still much to discover.

You thought you knew everything about sex? To show that not, and also to help you better understand this particular world, met some recent studies that present new perspectives on sex. Check out:

Editora Globo
Credit: shutterstock

1) Genetics can affect when a person will lose his virginity

The best time for the first time is an individual decision. However, recent studies show that genetics may influence how early you make that decision. A survey conducted by the University of California accompanied some twins, separated at birth, throughout their lives and found that there is a strong genetic link involving the decision to lose her virginity.

"There is a gene that sends having sex at certain times, but some genetic traits such as impulsivity, affect the decision. Although, of course, social customs also play an important role, "says an author of the study, Nancy Segal.

2) The clitoris is the organ most internal than external

Contrary to popular belief, the famous female sexual organ is like an iceberg: although a visible part, most of the clitoris is located within the pelvis. When a woman is aroused, the clitoris involves the entire vagina, making sex more enjoyable.

This discovery is relatively recent in the medical community. Only in the 90s, the researchers could see a full body MRI system, and in 2009, the world was first introduced to a full 3D ultrasound image of the organ.

3) Semen is nutritious

A middle aged man ejaculates the equivalent of a teaspoon. Each "part" that contains about 15 calories, similar to egg protein, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12 and zinc.

4) Sex can help you be healthy

A survey conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that having sex twice a week can strengthen the immune system, since it increases the levels of immunoglobulin A, whose function is to protect the body from destructive cells seeking to enter the nose and mouth.

Another study published in Biological Psychology showed that frequent sexual activity decreases the levels of cortisol in the body and therefore makes a person less stressed and better emotional balance.

5) Sex makes women more attractive

When women have sex often, their estrogen levels increase and consequently the hair looks brighter and smoother skin. Furthermore, the increase of blood flow causes an orgasm are more pink cheeks and lips redder.

6) There is no way to escape the STDs

The American Association for Sexual Health has warned that more than 80% of sexually active adults will contract some type of STD (Sexually Trasmissível disease) at some point in life.

Although the numbers seem daunting, most people will not suffer any ill effects and will not even notice who contracted sexually transmitted disease. That's because more than 25 types of STDs are asymptomatic. In any event, prevention is always necessary.

7) Contraceptives affect the relationship

A Scottish study examined the sexual and emotional relationship of over a thousand women worldwide. The conclusions were that most of them are sexually incompatible with partners. To maintain good relationships, women are abdicating their wishes in relation to sex.

The researchers believe that this is because the pill affects the brain chemistry of the woman, leaving her more interested in a long term relationship than to find the best partners.

8) Food can alter the taste of semen

Scientists warn, boys, if they want to please their sexual partners, caring for the food! This is because studies have shown that fruits, especially watermelon, kiwi and pineapple, leaving the lighter taste of semen, while beer and coffee cause a stronger flavor and bitter.

Since meat and fish leave the semen with buttery taste, while more acidic fruit and liqueurs can leave it with taste sweeter. Milk, in turn, contains high levels of bacteria and, therefore, can leave the semen with bad taste.

Via Oddee.

The five most common regret at death's door

Do you regret not having (or have) done if you were to die today?

Editora Globo
The lack of friends is one of the most common complaints deathbed / / Credit: Shutterstock

An Australian nurse named Bronnie Ware, working with palliative care, taking care of patients in their last weeks of life. Inspired by the stories that followed, she created a blog that records their conversations with whom he was on his deathbed.

The site was so successful that it became a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying (The five biggest regrets of dying), no release date in Portuguese. In it, Bronnie share their experiences and consider what are the complaints of those who came to the brink of death. Check out the most common:

1. I wish I had taken the life my way and not the way others wanted

The most common regret of all. According Bronnie, when people realize that his life came to an end, it becomes easier to see how many dreams they left behind. "Health brings a freedom that few realize they have until they lose it."

2. I would not have worked so

Bronnie account that this desire was common to all the men she met. They talk about miss seeing the children growing up or the company of his wife. This does not mean that women do not have the same complaint - but as most of the patients of the nurse are an older generation, not all have to work to support his family.

3. I would have talked more about my feelings

To live in peace with others, many people end up suppressing their own feelings. According to nurse some of his patients developed disease by loading up this resentment and this resentment and never talk about it.

4. I did not want to have lost touch with my friends

"We all miss the friends when they are dying," said Bronnie. She said many people do not realize they miss the friends until weeks before his death.

5. I wish I had allowed myself to be happy

According Bronnie, many people only realize in the end that happiness is actually a matter of choice. "Fear of change made ​​them pretend to others and themselves that they were pleased when, at bottom, all they wanted was to laugh and have more happy moments," she concludes.

6 findings that defy physics

Meet phenomena that completely contradict the laws of science

Higher speed than the speed of light? Matter disappearing into thin air? Particles that behave differently when observed? This is not stuff of science fiction - it all happens right here in our universe. Learn what are the phenomena that science still can not explain:

1. The sun can emit waves hotter than itself

According to the laws of thermodynamics, heat always travels from the hotter body to the colder body. That's what makes you close to the stove enjoying the warmth on cold days. It is a universal law. Or almost. Apparently, the Sun can emit heat waves hotter than himself.

The surface of the star has an average temperature of 5500 ° Celsius. Since the layer that is hundreds of miles from the Sun, known as "corona", has an average temperature of a million degrees Celsius. According to physics, the heat source (the Sun) should be hotter than its issue. Until now, this is the only case of the phenomenon known in the Universe.

Editora Globo
The Sun is the only object in the universe that contradicts the laws of thermodynamics / / Credit: Shutterstock
2. Gravity doesn't make as much sense as well

Gravity is involved in everything we do - after all it is what keeps us stuck on Earth. But what if the law of gravity was not a law? And if it does not make sense? For know that on a smaller scale, it makes no sense. Just rub the tube of a pen-type "Bic" in her hair and passes it over a pile of papers. The paper is instantly attracted by static electricity from the pen and stick it, contrary to the laws of physics.

This phenomenon is called "hierarchy problem of Higgs." When small particles are analyzed, the gravity becomes very poor - it follows the Newton's laws only larger objects. This means that the smaller the scale of the object being analyzed, the greater the chances of gravity disappear completely. In other words: thank you for being in a large planet, which generates enough gravitational force to keep us on the ground (and to have enough mass to "correspond" to that strength).

3. Spaceships accelerate for no apparent reason

Imagine you're playing in a rocking chair. You boost your body until it reaches the desired speed and when it reaches its limit, waiting for the toy slow start to drive again. Now imagine that, stop playing down to earth, you accelerate instead of stopping, soaring ever higher.

If you remember from physics lessons well, you know that the law of conservation of energy says that this type of situation is impossible. Unless you push more balance with their feet, you will not accelerate, right? Not always.

In the 1980s, the spacecraft Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, NASA began to accelerate after a huge distance from Earth, rather than simply having their speed reduced. Since then, scientists are trying to figure out what happened with the Pioneers and the NEAR spacecraft and the Galileo spacecraft, which passed the same way.

4. The law of conservation of energy does not work all the time

If you tear a sheet of paper in smaller pieces as you can, have as much paper as ever, but in a different format, correct? And the paper simply disappear as you tear? If you're a good student of physics knows that this can not happen because any kind of material can be completely wiped out - the same way that we can not create something from nothing.

Now suppose that the Earth is consumed by a black hole. It increases the mass, the same as the mass increases after meals. After all, everything you eat is still there. But, sometimes, black holes disappear completely - taking everything with them and swallowed.

According to physics, they should give away a radiation wave proportional to everything consumed. But, according to Stephen Hawking, all they do is throw random waves of energy. Simply put: if one day the Earth is actually swallowed by a black hole, not only the planet will cease to exist, but any sign that one day he lived.

5. Particles behave differently just because someone is watching

Remember that friend who seems to another person when talking to a group of strangers? Because there are particles which behave similarly. During a day, scientists researched uranium. It is known that this element when it is unstable, undergoing a process of weakening radioactive after some time. And when scientists were not looking, the uranium was exactly what was expected of him - weakened.

But while looking directly into the material, the researchers noticed that there were particles that never weakened. That is, you can stop time for uranium just looking at it. The problem is that in our common life, look for a carton of milk to prevent it from spoiling it makes no sense.

6. Einstein's Theory of Relativity may be wrong

According to Albert Einstein, the speed limit of all that exists in our universe is 299,792,458 meters per second - the known speed of light. It is this rule that is based on the physical theory of relativity that, since 1940, when it was released, it is accepted by the scientific community.

It was in 2011 when scientists at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, located in Switzerland) fired a beam of particles per 730 km, the veracity of the theory has been questioned. The problem is that the beam arrived at its destination in Italy, 60 nanoseconds sooner than expected, showing that the firing exceeded the speed of light.

The scientific community was stunned and the test was redone several times - all experiments showed the same result: the particles traveled faster than light. This means that the journey warp drive from Star Trek is possible, but for now, only to neutrinos. And if the whole theory of relativity was overthrown, until time travel is possible.

Via Cracked.

The Return of the Genes

After discredited, gene therapy saves patients with AIDS and cancer

Editora Globo
HELP FROM THE ENEMY: Scientists from France prepare bacteria and viruses to carry genes
Called revolutionary in the 90s and lost hope after killing a voluntary testing in 1999, gene therapy will reappear with adjectives and less impacting more significant results. "In the last two decades, more than 1500 clinical trials were conducted and 5000 persons have experienced the therapy," says biochemist Sang Won Han, USP. This new group of tests brought for the first time, improvement in conditions gene (causing bleeding from blindness), and also in cases of cancer cure observation. "Until then, treat patients with genetic ills was just science fiction."

The modified virus treatment is used to carry therapeutic genes to target cells. "There are vectors [as it is called this transportation] available to treat some types of cancer. In the future, it is expected that others are for sale, "said Won Han. "Researchers have turned their attention to cardiovascular or infectious diseases," said Marcial Francis Galera, president of the Brazilian Society of Medical Genetics. The most successful is the U.S. executive Timothy Ray Brown, 45 years. Underwent a bone marrow transplant in 2007, he never showed signs of that, one day, as was HIV positive. "Some genetic transfers do not work as they should and others can be dangerous. But gene therapy is already considered a hope of cure for AIDS, "says the German hematologist Gero Hütter, responsible for the case of Brown.

Source Galileu.

'Super Telescope' may yield clues about the early universe

Joseph Silk, a professor of astronomy at Oxford, talks with a brazilian magazine about the study of the Universe

Editora Globo
For Joseph Silk, the larger the telescope, the greater the discoveries made with it / / Credit: Disclosure - Oxford
Joseph Silk is an astronomer, a professor at Oxford University, and is dedicated to researching the early universe. Author of more than 700 articles on the subject, attended the International Conference for Astrophysics conducted by the University Cruzeiro do Sul in São Paulo. Galileu spoke with him about the Big Bang theory, the future of the universe and on investments of Brazil in astronomy. Check out:

Galileu: Brazil is about to enter the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and possibly will help in building the E-ELT, the world's largest telescope. What is the importance of building bigger telescopes?

Silk: Every time we increase the size of our telescopes, the number of discoveries we make with them becomes greater. We began with telescopes with mirrors of two meters, for four and we were doubling their size until we get 10, which is the size of the mirror of the Keck, the largest to date. The E-ELT will quadruple this number, then we can see further because it will collect four times more light than the Keck. And not only that his range is larger, the image resolution is also much clearer, facilitating our work.

You can estimate how far can we do with the E-ELT?

I hope very far to get to see the first galaxies in the universe and understand better the beginning of everything.

How these giant telescopes and observing ancient galaxies can help us better understand what happened in the first moments of the universe?

We, with the data obtained from telescopes to measure the properties of these early galaxies and first stars and better understand how they formed. And also we can better understand dark matter and its role in the formation and acceleration of the universe after the Big Bang.

So the Big Bang theory is indisputable?

I would not say beyond doubt. But from a theory, we created chances and, from these assumptions, we forecast. So far a number of predictions made from the Big Bang hypothesis proved true. We're not sure, but it is the most accepted theory to date and more appropriate.

There is a theory that, after reaching a peak acceleration, the universe will contract again and a new Big Bang will occur. Is this possible?

So far the Universe is accelerating and, to our knowledge of dark matter, this acceleration is not back. We will accelerate infinitely.

If the universe is accelerating infinitely, which means that it is infinite?

With what we know we can only say that it is accelerating and is quite large. We have also predict that one day he will find a "wall" that will impede your progress. We know that galaxies will ever further and that a few billion years, you may not have more neighboring galaxies so close.

In addition to new technologies and results in the field of astronomy that the entry of Brazil in the ESO may bring other advantages that our country will have with this partnership?

I believe we have many young Brazilians interested in space research, with the opportunity opening up. After all, astronomy is a science amazing. It seeks to answer where we came from and where we go. In my line of research, for example, look at the past. But the more I look at old galaxies, the more I see the future. Who would not be interested in a science that has such great power over our imagination?

Source Galileu.

Video shows how the sun would be seen from the surface of Pluto

A superfície congelada e a atmosfera gasosa do planeta foram reconstituídos no vídeo

Editora Globo
Pluto's surface is formed by layers of frozen methane / / Credit: dissemination via

An artist sponsored by European astronomers gathered data from the European Southern Astronomical Observatory (ESO) to form what would be a sunny day on Pluto, planet 40 times farther from the Sun than the Earth.

Thanks to the enormous distance, the sun on Pluto would be 1000 times smaller than is seen by us. It is also known that the planet one fifth the size of our surface is of -220 ° C, covered with spots of frozen methane and is surrounded by a cloud also methane.

The artist had the help of scientists to carefully study the planet before producing, in a computer, a landscape of Pluto. Once ready, the video ended up leaving astronomers surprised. "It's fascinating to think that we are able to measure and accurately reproduce the traces of a distant planet and much smaller than ours," said a director of the Observatory, Hans-Ulrich Kaufl.

Check out the video below:

NASA shooting hidden side of the Moon

Editora Globo
Hidden side of the Moon// Credit: NASA
A camera aboard one of the NASA's GRAIL spacecraft sent to Earth a rare photograph of the far side of the Moon The image will be used by American children to study the lunar surface.

Both GRAIL spacecraft, which reached the lunar orbit in the last year again, aim to get satellite images to provide them to school children. Even their names (Ebb and Flow) were chosen for the fourth-grade students. Each is equipped with a camera called MoonKAM. The images were obtained in a test of the spacecraft Ebb, on January 19.

The 30-second video can be viewed below

In the video, the north pole of the moon is visible on the top screen, while the ship sails toward the south pole. You can see the existence of dozens of craters.

This is an extremely rare sight. During its rotation around the Earth, the Moon remains only one face-to here. The other side, which remains hidden, is known as hidden side. He was first photographed in 1959 by a Soviet probe, in 1968 and only a human being able to see him directly, during the Apollo 8 mission.

Launched in September, the ships will make periodic corrections in its path until you reach a circular orbit around the satellite, to an altitude of 55 kilometers. The camera on board the Flow will be tested in future. The goal of NASA is asking for American students to choose areas of the lunar surface to be photographed, and send images directly to them. Ships are the first fully dedicated to educating the public.

Source Galileu.

NASA intercepts particles outside the Solar System

Atoms can help understand how the galaxy was formed

Divulgação / NASA

A NASA spacecraft could detect particles aliens entering our solar system. The discovery, made ​​by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX, in English), provides the most complete view to date of the materials that fill the space from the rest of the galaxy. The researchers are confident that these new measurements will provide clues on how and where our system was formed, the forces that shaped history and other stars of the galaxy.

This type of experiment is very difficult because of a magnetic bubble that surrounds the solar system and protects us from being hit by the interstellar wind. Most of the particles carried by these winds is hit by the bubble, which only lets through those that have no electric charge. After about 30 years, these particles are captured by the solar gravity. This is where the IBEX, which orbits the Earth, can capture them.

Divulgação / NASA
IBEX spacecraft, which detected the particles
So far the only element coming from other systems to be received by any nature was helium, for over 10 years. But this time the IBEX detected three other types of atoms: hydrogen, oxygen and neon - the raw material that are formed new stars and planets. They found 74 oxygen atoms for every 20 of neon. In the solar system, this ratio is 111 atoms of oxygen to the same 20. This difference may provide clues about the formation of our system and other stars.

Source Galileu.

There are 160 billion alien planets in the Milky Way

We know that there are at least 100 billion stars in space. Now scientists say that each has at least one planet around.

Editora Globo
The Milky Way// Credit: ESO
Research by astronomers at the Astrophysics Institute of Paris shows that, on average, each star in the Milky Way is orbited by planets 1.6. In other words - there are about 160 billion alien planets (which are outside our solar system) in our galaxy.

This figure is an estimate generated by computer since, officially, we know only about 700 alien planets. Another fact shown by the survey is that most of these stars still unknown structure must have a small and rocky - much like Earth's, with a chance of harboring life.

According to one of the authors of the study, Arnaud Cassan, stars surrounded by one or more planets are the rule rather than the exception. "That is, when looking at the stars, imagine millions and millions of worlds hidden among them," concludes Cassan.

But, speaking of exceptions, while there are several planets orbiting the same star, some recently discovered orbiting two suns at once.

The first, Kepler-16, was quickly dubbed "Tatooine" in reference to the desert planet where Anakin Skywalker was born, which is illuminated by two stars (Star Wars). Since then more than two systems "circumbinários" baptized just as these sets were found.

Source Galileu.

Discovered pristine lake 20 million years ago

The lake had no contact with artificial pollutants or forms of terrestrial life

Editora Globo
Russian drilling machine 5-G in Antarctica / / Credit: AFP and AP

After more than two decades exploring the basement of Antarctic, Russian scientists have come to the surface of a giant freshwater lake buried under miles of ice. The water was untouched for about 20 million years, meaning that he was isolated from artificial pollutants and terrestrial life forms that existed long before man.

Scientists able to capture a sample of 40 liters of water, which has already been sent for analysis. The next step is to remove water and other samples of ice located above the lake.

"It's like exploring another planet. No other place on Earth that is in complete isolation for so long. It is a true encounter with the unknown, "he said in a statement, Lev Savatyugin, a researcher at the Arctic Research Institute (AARI).

Editora Globo
Toast with the traditional Russian vodka after the discovery / / Credit: Reuters via

The drilling of the area is conducted by the Russian Vostok Station and began operating in 1989. From its inception until now, crept slowly due to scarcity of funds, unavailability of equipment, environmental concerns and severe cold.

While the above surface thermometers measuring -89 ° C, the pond water is maintained heated by the pressure above the icing has geothermal energy and also by the Earth.

Although this is not the deepest lake in the world, the harsh climate of Antarctica and isolation of the local operating procedures to make these very difficult. The scientific community believes that a discovery like this could help explain what life was like on Earth before the appearance of man.

Source Galileu.

Dogs really understand when we are talking to them?

Research reveals that dogs have the intelligence equivalent of a child of one year


Who has dog at home knows that besides adorable and companions, they are great listeners. But do dogs really know when we're talking with them? A Hungarian study to prove that when humans speak directly with the dogs, they are able to pay attention.

The study followed 16 adult dogs that were arranged in a room in order to watch a video in which an actor spoke about two pots of flowers that were at his side. As the dogs watched the video, a camera recorded the eye movements of animals to see if they were able to follow the man when he turned to one of the vessels.

In the moments of the video, the actor greeted the audience with a canine "Hi, dog" really excited to put it directly and with higher voice. Secondly, the compliments were made in a less direct, quietly and with little eye contact.

At the end of the experiment, the researchers suggested that dogs have a kind of social intelligence similar to babies from one to two years old. This is because dogs, like babies, can only pay attention when contact is made directly, the style in the eye. The research also suggested that our best friends are provided with early sensitivity, able to sense when a human being wants to share information.

Apart from bringing relief to know that your dog is really a true confidant, this study is another important step to help researchers figure out how to work the cognitive function of animals.

Via IO9

Smallest chameleon in the world is discovered in Madagascar

The reptile is one of the smallest species that inhabit our planet

Editora Globo
Chameleon measures 3 cm / / Credit: Animal Press via

There is a kind of chameleon that is almost impossible to be found and that, therefore, scientists had no idea existed. In addition to the genetic ability to cloak the landscape, the new species is the size of a quarter of a Dollar.

The creature, 3 inches, was discovered this week by researchers in Madagascar and is already considered the smallest reptile in the world. The researchers were able to separate four different types of chameleon among the miniatures, which were named Brookesia microns.

After performing genetic testing in the species, Ted Townsend, University of San Diego, said the size suggests that this chameleon in Madagascar may have evolved from small ancestors, quite different from larger and more colorful chameleons that we know today.

Now, new research will be carried out, but experts now believe they may be the only species that survived the destruction of habitat.

Via Daily Mail. 

Considered extinct giant tortoise is still alive

Animals were found in the Galapagos Islands.

Editora Globo

A study by researchers at Yale University found that dozens of giant turtles, belonging to a species that was believed extinct for 150 years, may still be living in a remote place in the Galapagos Islands.

Although it has not found any original member of the species Chelonoidis elephantopus, the team found direct descendants of these individuals at least 38 animals living in the volcanic slopes of the northern coast of Isabela Island. This island is 320 kilometers from Floreana Island, where the turtles lived before disappearing because of hunting.

In 2008, the research team drew blood samples from more than 1,600 turtles in the region, and compared them to a database containing the genetic DNA of extinct and living turtles. The analysis proved that 83 of these turtles had the genetic signature of Chelonoidis elephantopus, showing that a parent was a member pure breed. In 30 of these cases, the turtle was less than 15 years. Like a turtle these usually live more than 100 years, scientists have concluded that large possibility that the original specimens are still alive.

The researchers said their intention is to find the original members of the species, to return them to their island of origin. This is important, since the animals would have great importance in the ecosystem of the region. Even though there are animals, scientists believe they can bring the species back to life from the crossing of their descendants.

Turtles Chelonoidis elephantopus be made ​​famous for having helped Charles Darwin formulate his theory of evolution. In his historic trip to the Galapagos Islands in 1835, Darwin realized that the shells of turtles living in different islands of the archipelago had different formats, which led him to develop the theory of natural selection. For example, the hulls of Chelonoidis elephantopus Floreana Island had a saddle shape, while tortoises from other islands in the hulls had clamshell.

Source Galileu

Discovered the world's oldest animal

Otavia antiqua may be our oldest ancestor

Editora Globo
Fossil Otavia antiqua
Our oldest evolutionary ancestor has been found by researchers at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. He was a microscopic organism like sponges, and was found in very old African stones. If confirmed, the body will be 100 million years older than the oldest animal found so far.

The body, called Otavia antiqua, was discovered inside a Navy rock 760 million years ago in Namibia, the researchers said, may have been the first multicellular animal to emerge on the planet. This means that all animal life, from dinosaurs to man, may be descended from him.

There were hundreds of fossils of the animal, the size of grains of sand. According to the researchers, they must have lived in calm waters and feeding on bacteria and algae abundant in the region. His body was shaped like a tube and feed it through pores in its interior, where the food would be absorbed directly into the cells.

Source Galileu.

Seal pups rescued from storm in the UK *-*

The RSPCA center is responsible for taking care of these mammals.

When terrible storms hit the coast of the United Kingdom, the seals must swim to a quieter place. The problem is that the pups do not have enough strength to fight against the force of water and often end up abandoned on the beaches this time of year.

It would be a tragedy if not for the work of the RSPCA, a center specializing in the rescue and welfare of animals. Researchers are searching the beaches and take the puppies to be fed and cared for until they pass the winter, when they finally returned to nature.

If the news is happy, even better are the pictures of the puppies the RSPCA released. They are not so cute?

Editora Globo
baby seal rescued from the beach / / Credit: Rose Palazzolo

Editora Globo
baby seal rescued/ / Credit: Rose Palazzolo
Editora Globo
baby seal rescued/ / Credit: Rose Palazzolo

Source Galileu.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Allegory of the Cave

Plato in his writings created several allegories to expose their doctrines. The best known is The myth of the cave, which helps progress of knowledge.
According to this allegory, prisoners from small men are found in a dark cave and are tied in such a way that always remain with his back to the cave opening. Never left and never saw what's outside. However, due to light a fire that enters through this opening, they can look in the back wall of the projection of the shadows of the beings that are out there in front of the fire. Accustomed to seeing only those projections, that is, the shadows of which can not directly observe, assume that what they see is the true reality.
If you leave the cave and seeing things in the world bright, do not identify as true or real. It would take a while. Being accustomed to the shadows, illusions, would have to accustom their eyes to the sight of the real: the first would look at the stars at night, after the images of things reflected in calm waters, until they could directly face the sun and see the source of all light.

"Plato recognized that the picture of the Divided Line may be difficult for many of us to understand. Although it accurately represents the different levels of reality and corresponding degrees of knowledge, there is a sense in which one cannot appreciate its full significance without first having achieved the highest level. So, for the benefit of those of us who are still learning but would like to grasp what he is talking about, Plato offered a simpler story in which each of the same structural components appears in a way that we can all comprehend at our own level. This is the Allegory of the Cave.

Plato seriously intended this allegory as a representation of the state of ordinary human existence. We, like the people raised in a cave, are trapped in a world of impermanence and partiality, the realm of sensible objects. Entranced by the particular and immediate experiences these things provide, we are unlikely to appreciate the declarations of philosophers, the few among us who, like the escapee, have made the effort to achieve eternal knowledge of the permanent forms. But, like them, it would serve us best if we were to follow this guidance, discipline our own minds, and seek an accurate understanding of the highest objects of human contemplation."

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Feminine and Masculine

Both forces are two sides of the same, the one that is the primordial energy, which in turn, is God. The two forces complement each other, without one, the other cannot exist. That's why the only-male concept of God of the Abrahamic religions is wrong, and does not exist. Unless these three Abrahamic religions that were modified on purpose by interest (Christianism, Judaism and Islamism), because even in the primitive Judaism God was presented as both god and goddess, as we can see in the symbol of Israel, the triangle represents masculine, called in occultism 'Blade' and the inverted triangle represents the feminine, called 'Chalice'. Both Together forms the Hexagram symbol of Yhwh, God, and symbol of Israel.
Blade and Chalice.

The Hexagram, Yhwh.

Virtually in all ancient religions, are presented both male and female deities, the two forces have always been present in all cultures of the earth.

In the celtic faith, the primordial Spirit is presented as the Goddess and God, and at the same time is divided into various avatars, each one with its different characteristics and aspects for different needs, the Gods, for the channeling of telluric energy. The cycles of the seasons in the calendar of the Celtic year, the solstices and equinoxes and the festivals of fire, represent the interaction of the Goddess with the God, the God fertilize the Goddess, olden, dies, and born again from her venter.

The following text dictated to Pamela Kribbe channeled by a spirit called Jeshua talks about the two energies.

"This canalization was presented live on December 12, 2004, in Tilburg, Holland. After the spoken text was revised for readability.

Dear friends,

It is a great pleasure to be with you again. I am very glad to be in your company.

You tend to look up to me, or for people like me, as if we were masters, but we do not see it that way. We see you following your path on earth at a challenging time, a time when many things are changing, and we see you grow into your own mastery. We see you becoming the masters that you still look a few times. And the whole question is this: find your own mastery! Do not follow any master is presented to them by tradition or by books or by anything anyone said to you. Find your own mastery: that is the question.

Today I'd like to tell you about a subject that comes from a remote past of its history: the masculine and feminine energies. These are old energies, with whom many things are happening now.

First I would like to say something about the nature of masculine and feminine. These energies are two aspects of the One, therefore, they are not really opposed or dualistic, they are one, they are two sides of the energy.

The male energy is the aspect that is outwardly focused. It's part of God or Spirit that drives outward manifestation, that makes Spirit materialize and take shape. Therefore, the male energy knows a strong creative force. For the masculine energy, it is natural to be extremely focused and goal-oriented. Thus, the male energy creates individuality. The male energy allows you to separate yourself from the One, the All, and to stand alone and be a specific individual.

The female energy is the energy of Home. It is the energy of the Primal Source, the flowing Light, pure Being. Is the energy that has not yet manifested, the inner aspect of things. The female energy is all encompassing and oceanic; it does not differentiate or individualize.

Now imagine the feminine energy starting to become aware of a certain movement inside, mild restlessness, a desire to ... go out, out of their limits, to move out of herself to get experience. There is a desire for something new, adventure! Then she reaches an energy that responds to that desire. It is the male energy that wants to be useful and help it to manifest in matter, in the form. The male energy defines and shapes the female energy and through cooperation of both the total amount of energy can take a whole new direction. A new reality is created, where everything can be explored and experienced, in ever changing forms of manifestation.

The dance of male and female brings forth the fluctuating spectacle of created reality of its creation. This is a spectacle of great beauty, where the male and female energy worship each other and celebrate their cooperation and happy marriage. And this is how it should be. The male and female energies should be united, they are two aspects of the One and together they celebrate the joyful manifestation that Creation should be.

It was said that in the final realization of who you are, the only truth that matters is: I AM. And this mystical mantra, precisely those two aspects merge. In the U.S. is the male energy, in the AM is the female energy. The U.S. is constricting, differentiating it gives focus, it gives direction, it individuates: I, not the other, but U.S.. And then AM. AM is oceanic, all encompassing, it reflects the ocean of Home, the female energy, the inexhaustible source that knows no boundaries, no differentiation. The flowing and unifying aspect is the center of the female energy. In the I AM, the male and female come together and blissfully join their energies.

But in the history of mankind, and even before mankind existed, a conflict arose between the masculine and feminine. I do not go into the origin of this conflict now. The yin-yang symbol shows very well the real situation. In males, there is always a women's center, and in females, one male center in the same way that - that symbol - there is a white dot in the black and a black dot on white. But in the course of history, this mystical unity of masculine and feminine has been forgotten and these energies have become opposed to each other, as black and white. The underlying unity was no longer recognized.

Right now you are in the last phase in the history of the conflict, in which the male energy has the role of perpetrator for many centuries. The male energy has long been playing a role in which it oppresses, mutilates and destroys the female energy. It was not always so. There were times when the female energy dominated, manipulating and misrepresenting the ruling masculine energy. But that time is over. At one point, the conflict took a different turn, and the roles of perpetrator and victim were reversed. Now, the male energy has been in power for a long time and has abused this power in such a way that the feminine energy is weakened and does not realize the integrity of your Being Whenever the masculine and feminine are in conflict, the disintegration of both is inevitable. While the female is increasingly victimized and lost in self-denial, the male is lost in ruthless violence and the type of aggression you know from the many wars in its past.

The masculine and the feminine depend on each other. When they fight, the consequences are disastrous. But times are changing. Since the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the female energy is regaining its strength and rising above the role of victim. This resurrection comes from the depths of the feminine energy. She finally reached the limit of your self-denial. At this point she looked at herself in the eye and said: this is as far as it goes.

By the way, is how it always happens in the dynamics between victim and perpetrator. Change begins when the victim refuses to accept any more. The perpetrator could well hang onto his role any longer because he has less reason to stop. The revolution begins when the victim refuses to accept that and finally takes its power. In all situations of repression - such as a woman in your family or in society - the real moment of change is when the woman or the feminine energy within a person decides to herself, I will not accept it. This is where change really starts to happen. External measures are useless until this moment presents itself.

The feminine energy is raised and its star is rising. In fact, the most pressing issue at this time is the transformation of the male energy! Now is the time for a new definition of male energy. I could have easily called this channeling "the rebirth of the male energy," because I want to emphasize that it is only by joining a mature and balanced masculine energy, the feminine energy can flourish again.

In the last century (XX), and even before that, the female energy regained power and strength. She began to flourish in a new and more balanced. Despite the inequality of the sexes, which is still present in their society, the rise of the female energy is something that can no longer hold. However, the female energy can not acquire full strength and vitality without the cooperation with the male energy. This refers to the collective level, as well as at the individual level.

The feminine energy can not make its final without the support of the male energy and connection with it. This is not due to an inherent weakness of the female energy, but the essential nature of masculine and feminine energies: the fact that they are intertwined and can only fulfill their brightest potentials in cooperation. That is why it is imperative now that the male energy reshape itself and venture into the new!

If we look at the interplay between male and female on a collective level, we see that the female energy is now in a standby position. She is waiting. Currently, the collective male energy, there is a struggle between old and new. In the collective male energy is emerging a new wave of energy that honors and respects the feminine energy. This new wave of male energy wants to join the female and together enter the New Age But at the same time, a wave of energy oldest male is still active and trying to persist. This energy, in its old role is clearly working in the series of terrorist attacks that have occurred throughout your world. Thus, the male energy in its old role of heartless aggressor is showing its nasty side. Those who commit these horrendous attacks, there are very dark emotions: aggression, anger and at the same time utter helplessness and hopelessness. It is from this total hopelessness, they appeal to the most brutal and destructive types of power demonstration. This energy, which we are speaking is in the throes of death. She feels that there are important changes collectively and that humanity is on the threshold of a new era.

One of the problems you are facing now, as they grow toward a more balanced cooperation between the masculine and feminine is how to deal with this kind of ruthless energy. What do we do about this old male energy, which is trying to create as much havoc and destruction as possible in its downfall? Well, let me tell you this: the downfall is a fact. The battle is lost by the old male energy, but she will not surrender easily and will resist to the last moment with ruthless aggression and domination.

Will depend greatly on the inner collective attitude towards these offenders. Will you allow anger and powerlessness into your own energy field, as a reaction to acts of violence? If so, you will open your energy field to the attackers. The moment you feel overpowered by anger and resentment toward them, they have reached their goal. You will be sucked into their energetic vibration and you would be willing to kill: kill the murderers of the innocent. This is all very understandable, but it is vital to realize what is happening there. When strong emotions come up, it will be wise to pause in silence. Go back to the quiet, knowing part of you and ask: "What's really going on here?" Now everything depends on your wisdom and discernment, the ability to see through things and feel what is really game. The world will not be dominated by terrorist powers, the old male energy has served its time and the time of his death is near.

The most important message I have about terrorism, this manifestation of old male aggression is: stay conscious! Do not let feelings of powerlessness - that is, to be victimized - take you from your center. Know that no one will be touched by this aggressive energy, it does not allow it into your energy field. If you do not react with anger or hatred, you will not draw it for you. You will be safe and protected by your own light.

Now I'd like to give attention to more mundane level, individual, in which you deal with the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. Too at the individual level, there has been a struggle between the male and female energy. Everything that happens collectively mirrors processes at the individual level.

To illustrate the importance of balance between male and female at the individual level, will talk about the energy centers that exist in all human beings, which are also called chakras. There are seven that you know today and these are located along the spine, the coccyx to the crown. I will speak briefly about each of these chakras, to show them that they are all characterized by a kind of energy predominantly male or female.

The coccyx chakra (root chakra) is the energy center that connects you to the earth. The energy in this chakra to the earth and allows them to manifest the energy of his soul in a physical form on a level of reality dense material. Since the energy of the coccyx chakra is the type who goes out and manifesting, we can say that it is a chakra (predominantly) male. A chakra is never completely male or female, but we can say that the male energy has the upper hand here.

The second chakra is called the navel and is the center of emotions. This center allows you to experience emotions, mood swings - in short, the ups and downs of her emotional life. It is a receptive center. That's why I call it a women's center, one where the chakra flow of female energy is dominating

Now look at the third chakra, also called the solar plexus center of action and creation. This is a center that stretches out and allows the energy to manifest in physical reality. You can compare it with the sun, with the spread of rays and the power of the yellow sunlight (the natural color of the third chakra is yellow). In the solar plexus, and shakes his motives are transformed into outer manifestation. It is the chakra of action and outward. It is also the seat of the ego in the sense of earthly personality, without negative implications. The predominant energy is male.

Let us now turn to the heart chakra. This is also a receptive center like the navel chakra, and he especially connects different flows of energy. It is the center around which heaven and earth meet, and where the lower three chakras connect with the three higher chakras. The heart is the bridge between the mind (head) and emotion (abdomen). Through the heart you can connect with another person and transcend yourself. The heart transcends the boundaries of ego and enables them to feel oneness with all that is outside of you, with All That Is. The heart chakra is the gateway to the energy of Home. It is clearly a connection center and therefore is predominantly female.

The throat chakra is masculine. Through this center, internal stimuli, ideas and emotions are physical form through speech, laughing, singing, shouting, etc ... Here the inner life is carried out through communication by voice and language. Through this center, you make your inner life is visible to others through physical signs: words, sounds, concepts. It is a center for demonstration, which enables you to focus your energy outward into the physical plane. It is also a center of creativity.

The sixth chakra, also called the "third eye" which is located in the middle of your head, is feminine. He receives impressions "extrasensory", intuitive, and transcends the boundaries of the physical (the five physical senses). It is the seat of clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, etc. .. By doing this, you can feel the energy of another person (the emotions, pains, joys) as your own. With this capability, ie, the ability of empathy, you transcend the boundaries of ego and connect with "what is not you."

Finally, we have the crown chakra at the top of the head. This chakra is neither male nor female. Or we can say that it is both. In this chakra, you rise above the duality of male and female. The crown chakra is an interesting combination of these two energies. When this chakra is balanced, the consciousness is in a state of receiving and outgoing. It extends "up" to "other dimensions" in search of spiritual meaning or support, or deeper layers of the Self. And while it remains a quiet and tranquil openness, in the knowledge that the answers will come in time. It is a kind of consciousness that is highly focused and at the same time highly receptive. This "state of mind" you get too close to the underlying unity of male and female energy - the energy of Spirit or God.

I have just sketched very roughly the movement of flows of masculine and feminine energy through the energy body of man. Now I wish to speak particularly on the lower three chakras. These are the chakras that are more connected to the earth, who are more involved with in the earthly realm. This area of ​​the lower three chakras is of utmost importance in your inner road to healing, it is in this area lie the deepest traumas and emotional scars.

You often feel that earthly beings are growing toward the spiritual. But we see it the other way around. You are spiritual beings grow towards the Earth. The Earth is a brilliant, a hidden diamond that has yet to reveal its true beauty. Planet Earth is the Promised Land!

Heaven is his birthplace. But you will not return to the state of consciousness that you remember as "Home" or "Heaven," a state of purely spiritual. The adventure of Creation brings you to new destinations, you are always expanding and progressing toward a totally new kind of consciousness (talked about it before in the last chapter of the Lightworker Series). The Earth is an essential part of this journey.

However, in its manifestation on earth and in their attempts to express yourself here, you have suffered much pain. Almost all of you have serious injuries to the lower three chakras caused by experiences of rejection, violence and abandonment. This may have happened even in this life. Almost all energy blocks in the upper chakras are related to emotional injuries in the lower three chakras.

I will discuss both the coccyx chakra (root chakra) first. Its connection to the earth has become emotionally burdened, especially for Lightworkers Because you have met serious resistance over many lifetimes, there is much fear and resistance in you when it comes to truly grounding yourself. Landing means being fully present in their earthly bodies and express their innermost inspiration in material reality. The resistance of grounding yourself fully has been discussed before (in the Lightworker Series). It has mostly to do with the fact you "being different" and having been rejected because of it.

In the second chakra, the emotional center, you have also been profoundly affected by experiences of being threatened or abandoned (literally or emotionally), and are severely repressed in their self-expression.

With these traumatic burdens in the two lower chakras, solar plexus (third chakra) is also heavily affected. The solar plexus has to do with the life force, energy and creative power. You know few examples of the meaning of true power. I mean power that is not aggressive and destructive. In the solar plexus, often we can see that the person speaks, or an aggressive, controlling, or contained in an excessively modest. The two forms are the result of underlying feelings of helplessness, caused the wounds present on the first and second chakras. In the third chakra, the question is to find a balanced way of dealing with power and control, the question is a balanced ego.

Okay with the ego! The ego has a specific function: it lends focus to your consciousness, which enables you to create and manifest themselves as separate individuals who you are. The ego is a necessary complement to the spiritual forces that transcend the "I". The energy of the ego is completely respectable and justified in the energetic reality in which you live. The real power is in the alignment between the ego and joyful spirit.

The area of ​​the lower three chakras is the most important for self-healing and inner growth. The greatest spiritual challenge to you now is to take care of themselves in the injured area. Meditate and connect with the cosmic levels, inside and outside of you, is not his main goal now. His main goal now is to offer understanding and support kinder more loving to the inner child within you, and restore the beauty and joy of it. This is your spiritual journey, and it is your greatest treasure. Caring and respect the human side of you, the child part of you, is your road to the divine compassion and enlightenment.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that two of the three chakras above are male. This shows that there is much healing work to be done within each one of you, especially with regard to the male energies. So my message to you now is to heal the male energy inside! The feminine energy is recovering in many ways, and gained the strength to express themselves fully and beautifully. The feminine qualities of intuition, sensitivity and connectedness are being increasingly appreciated, both individually and collectively.

But it is unclear how a balanced male energy. The male energy was lost through the false images of what it means to "be a man," stereotypes are always reduced to power through aggression. It is vital to recognize and express the true nature of male energy. The feminine side must now balance the male energy in order to truly fulfill its role. The feminine energy is waiting, not only on a collective scale, but also at the individual level. The feminine energy is leaving the role of victim, regaining his self-esteem and is now willing to speak powerfully and joyfully through his meeting with the male.

So what is the power of balanced masculine energy?

In the first chakra, a healed and balanced male energy leads to self-consciousness. The male energy no longer have to struggle and strive, it is present through self-awareness. Presence, that is, be present with all your soul, is an essential quality of the first chakra. Being aware of yourself, staying focused and not getting lost in the opinions, expectations and needs of others - that is to be self-conscious. Finding the balance between connecting and letting go, stay focused and aware of yourself while interacting with others or with the outside world - that is energy balanced root chakra.

It is essential to develop this quality of self-consciousness, because it will protect and guide your feminine energy. The feminine energy is a natural tendency to connect with others (living creatures) and be present for each other in a caring, encouraging. The male energy limits and provides the helps you find the balance between giving and receiving. In relation to the connective fluid and feminine energies, the male energy of the lower chakras plays the role of anchor and backbone. It is the point when you return to yourself, the point where you break free of the ties that bind them to other energies with which you have connected.

The solar plexus or third chakra plays the same role in a different way. As I have said before, this chakra is the center of the ego. You still have some difficulty with this concept of ego. Especially among Lightworkers, there is a tendency to consider the powers of generosity and self-transcendence in humans, such as "higher". Not so. You live in a world where two energies work together and form the building blocks of Creation. One tends to bind and search the drive, the other creates separation and individuality. And the latter is as valuable and viable as the first.

It is important to make peace with the male energy, embrace your individuality, your uniqueness, your I. There is a "solitude" essential in life, that has nothing to do with loneliness, but it has everything to do with the fact each one of you be an "I", an individual, unique. Embrace this aloneness does not stop you will experience deep connections with others. If you really embrace your individuality, you can be truly creative.

The male energy solar plexus helps them to be truly creative. This is where the feminine energy, you have within you, waiting. The inspirations coming from the depths of your being wants to make themselves known on the material level, they want to come to light of an earthly form and bring waves of love and harmony to the Earth. The female energy is the bearer of the New Age, but she needs the balanced masculine energy to manifest and take root in material reality. That is why it is so important that the energies of the first and third chakras are healed.

The energy of a healthy ego, the solar plexus cured, is self-confidence. In the first chakra is the self-consciousness, the third chakra is the self-confidence. This is not the kind of arrogance that we see a big ego, but it is simply self-confidence: "I feel I can do it!" It's being aware of your deepest inspiration, their own creative abilities, and then act according to them. Let the energy flow out of you, trust in your natural talents and gifts, trust who you are, and show to the world! Especially for you, Lightworkers, which carry both inner knowledge and wisdom, now it's time to show up and not to hide anymore. It's time.

This is your goal and here you will find your greatest achievement.

Make peace with the male energy inside. Do not hesitate to support themselves, to receive abundance and to take care of themselves. To be egotistical, and neutral in the pure sense of the word. You are an ego, you are an individual. You can not and need not be tolerant and understanding all the time. It is not spiritual to tolerate anything and everything. Clearly there are times when you have to say "no" or even "goodbye", and not compromise who you are. Do this without guilt or fear, and feel how the masculine energies of self-awareness and strengthen the self-confidence to allow the delicate flower of the female energy flourish and shine.

It's all a question of cooperation between the energies. The male and female energies down together in a long and painful effort. They also will rise together, for one can not be balanced without the other. Now that the feminine energy is ready to rise from the ashes of humiliation and repression, there is an urgent need for a revival of masculine energy. This revival of masculine energy, will eventually become visible on a collective scale, but he first has to manifest itself in each of you separately, men and women. You all are the guardians of these ancient energies within you, and it is their birthright to have the partnership of which is fair and cheerful."

You can find the original text here:

At long least, the male and female forces, like the yin-yang, light and dark, are opposites that attract, the two sides of the same, resulting in perfect harmony. Are two sides of the primordial spirit that gives life to everything, such as the living souls are parts of this spirit, our spirit is also the feminine and masculine sides inside itself.