Einigen, the giant, first of all beings, he saw three rays of light descending fromheaven. These three rays were also a word of three syllables, the true name of GodCeli, hidden spirit of life that creates all things. Them all was the knowledge that ever existed, exists or will exist. Contemplating these rays, Einigen took three stickscarved rowan mad and they all knowledge of letters in straight lines and slopes. But when others saw bats, misunderstood and worshiped as gods bats rather than the knowledge they learn writing. So great was the sadness and anger Einigen why itbroke and he died.
When they had been a year and a day after the death of Einigen, Menw, son ofTeirwaedd, came across the skull of Einigen and saw that the three rowan wild batshad taken root and were growing inside of her mouth. His traditions of the rods haveto Gwydoniaidd - the ancient sages of the Celts - and, finally, one for druids. Thus, the knowledge that one day had shone into three major rays of light so now the wisdom of the Druidic religion.
The tale of the giant Einigen and three rays of light is the origin myth of DruidRenewal. The spokes themselves form the central symbol of Druidism and constantly arise wherever the teachings of the Druidic Renewal have left traces. They representAwen, the heart of the Druidic path.
What is Awen? In its most basic meaning, means spirit, inspiration and enlightenment. Awen is the inner light that gives the mind the ability to reach beyond itself. Awen is the verse that turns writers into poets and shows flashes of the future prophets and seers.
The Druids of Renewal studied the traditions of Awen and linked it to the knowledge and experience from many sources. They knew that people of all religions have experienced moments of illumination when the world took a deep meaning. Some of these experiences, they knew, occurred when people turned their attention outward, toward nature and the great spiritual powers of nature that humans called gods. They knew that other similar experiences took place when people turned their attention inward to the center of themselves.
These two modes are symbolized by experience two ways to draw the three rays of Light The first, the way invocative \ | /, represents the experience of Einigen - Awen of the descent of a divine source external to the individual. The second, the form most commonly used evocative / | \, represents the experience of Menw - the awakening ofAwen within the individual soul through study and contemplation. The two formstogether make up the emblem called Tribann.
Invokes, Evokes, Tribann
The tale of three rays of light is a myth, not history. However, the word "myth" to be understood carefully. Today, many people use this word meaning a narrative that is not true. Real myths, however, are not outright lies, even if they have nothing to do with historical fact. As the Greek philosopher Sallust *: "Myths are things that never happened but always are."
So, absolutely does not matter if a person called Menw ap Teirwaedd existed, was found the skull of a giant with three branches of the rowan tree growing in it or if ithappened exactly 366 days after the death of the giant. The journalistic sense ofliteral fact that the fundamentalists to bring the sacred texts have no place in understanding the Druidic myth. The heart of any myth is not whether it happened - or,for that matter who wrote it - but what it means and what it has to teach.
The discernment itself is, in fact, among the things that the tale teaches Einigen.Einigen recognized the rays of light and Menw recognized as having the branches of knowledge. Others who saw the sticks failed on that understanding and loved thesticks instead of learning his message. There is here a hard lesson about the difference between a religion of belief and spirituality based on understanding. The worshipers of bats treated them as objects of faith and have missed every teachingthat these objects intended to convey. Likewise, someone can believe in reportingand Einigen Menw and never understand that this legend has something to teach.
However, this is not the only lesson of the myth. The three rays are also three cheers and three parts of God's name Celi, the hidden source of all things. This name is the word Awen, divided into three syllables: en-au. Take a moment and think about what it means. Awen, the interior lighting that gives gifts of poetry and prophecy, is the real name of the source of all things. Play the Awen is touching the divine energy that creates the universe. Write a poem that captures a ray of inspiration is to represent the achievement of Einigen whose rowan bats captured the wisdom manifested in the three rays of light. Read a poem and catch a glimpse of the original inspiration is to represent the Menw done. The tale of three rays of light is then recounted in every work of creativity.
In Druidic religion, the three rays are also the three first rays of the rising sun at the summer solstice, the winter solstice and the equinoxes, shining on a standing stoneand casting its shadow on the floor. The sun's rays map shape relied upon as the shadow map shape is evocative.
An ancient myth, found in many legends describes the creation of the cosmos by the body of a primordial giant. In these legends, the giant skull becomes the sky. The myth of Welsh Einigen, echoing these ancient stories, show bats rowan angry that rise from the dead giant's skull instead of auroras that define the year. Thus, another significance of the year is reenacted every year when the Sun rises in the three key positions on the eastern horizon: Southeast at the winter solstice, summer solstice in the north, just east of the equinoxes in spring and autumn.
Summer Solstice, Equinoxes, Winter Soltice
Each ray has its own symbolism and meaning. The first radius, or radius of the winter solstice, extends southeast \ | / or towards the north / | \. His name is Gwron (gu-ron)and represents the sun at its lowest point at the winter solstice, between the dark and cold winter. Gwron is knowledge of Awen.
The second radius, or radius of the summer solstice, extends from the northeast \ | / or to the southeast / | \. It's called Plenydd (Ple-Nith) and represents the sun of the summer solstice, at the height of his power. Plenydd is the power of Awen.
The third ray, or ray equator, extends east \ | / or to the west / | \. His name is Alawn (a-lon) and represents the sun at the equilibrium point, midway between its upwardand downward cycles of the year. Alawn is the peace of Awen.
Gwron, Plenydd Alawn and are also the names of three mysterious figures of the legend, the first three bards of Britain. A narrative of Bardas said they were the first to establish the degrees of Bard, Vate and Druid Gwydoniaidd among the masters of the tradition among the Celts, in the days before their wanderings bring them to Britain. The Bards, which preserve the knowledge of the past correspond to the radius of the winter solstice. The vates, who are the living power of the spiritual realms correspond to the radius of the summer solstice. The Druids, linking knowledge and power could separate and traditionally hosts the edge of the fight to bring peace, correspond to the central ray of the equinoxes.
Source: Greer, John Michael. The Druidry Handbook; spiritual practice rooted in the living earth. Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, York Beach ME, 2006, p. 49-54. ISBN 1-57863-354-0.
The Three Rays of Light, Gwron, Plenydd and Alawn form the First Triad of Druidism.
* In the work Peri theon kai kosmos ("On the Gods and the world") century. IV A. D. (translator's note).
Translated from: http://bellovesos.multiply.com/journal/item/141
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