Gaulois Ancien (Senobrikhta)
§1 Awis maguy esat taratows widuas ollodunnas ad agyan in tegyay aryi esyo. Widua esat werdruta, wrankas andewekhtas esant, yowinkowiros gutsu adpiseto nemos.
§2 Yowinkyos sindos tokingeto ad ambos maron biyatoyo widuan. Esatid nawotogyon lawon glannay eti sodese rammiyonawa esat netsata. Magus in naway swelulowge eti reraye ad glannan komarepennin.
§3 Andon in dinawimay, memner "Nawa si moy esat brigomara, wella gabagla esyas kanti moy". Yowinkowiros toni nawan lulowge wer kebenan widuank inrate esatyo slitsyay syay komandewekhta widui slitses allas. Are adboyu sodesu, manti nawas werindedoyge ad tikhtan mallan kaletank.
§4 Derkawnu esatyo wella woadgabagla nawillas, magus wertetset ad glannan eti andon eyan dede eri anawnu esat oygetos alli. Su betsu, gala esat yuy du taratow swadu widuas eti aku tokammane ad tegyan aryi.
The Tale of the Boat
§1 A lad needed to go through a very dark forest to get to the home of his lord. The forest was too dense, the branches of the trees so intertwined that the young man could barely see the sky.
§2 This young man came to a large river that cut the forest. There was a small anchorage in the margin and in it a boat with oars was tied up. The lad put himself in the boat and rowed to the opposite bank.
§3 Upon landing there, he thought: "It has been valuable to me this boat, better take it with me". The young man then put the boat on the back and entered the forest, which was on this side so closed as the forest in the other side. For this reason, the size of the boat forced him to advance slowly and with difficulty.
§4 Seeing that it would be better to leave the boat, the boy returned to the bank and deposited it there, so that it was waiting for another traveller. In this way, he might go through the forest easily and come with speed to the house of the lord.
1. ad – vers, DLG, 430
2. adboyon, -i: (no) – motif, cause | v. irl. ad.ben, apa
3. adpiset (BII), adpistyu:, -onos (no) - voir, DLG, 51 (dans "appisetu")
4. aget (BI), agya:, -a:s (fa:) – aller, mener
5. akus, -u – rapide | DLG, 31
6. allos, -a:,-on - autre, deuxième | DLG, 39
7. ambos, -esos (ns) – rivière | DLG, 41 (dans "ambe")
8. ana:t (AI), ana:tus, -ows – souffler; attendre; rester | DLG, 44 (dans "ana")
9. ande – três | DLG, 430
10. andon – là, à l'intérieur, DLG, 48 (dans "andogna")
11. are – (+abl.) parce que, en raison de; (+acc.) devant, près de, à l'est de; (préfixe) pré- | DLG, 52
12. aryos, -i: (mo) – seigneur | DLG, 55
13. awis, -e:s (mi) - désir, envie | DLG, 61 (besoin)
14. betsus, -ows (mu) – moeurs, habitudes, manières | DLG, 74
15. bi:na:t (BIV), bi:yon, -i: (no) – couper | DLG, 75 (dans "-biion")
16. bri:ga:, -a:s (fa:) – force, vigueur, valeur | DLG, 88
17. bri:goma:ros, -a:, -on – précieux, v. bri:ga:, ma:ros
18. dagos, -a:, -on – bon | DLG, 134 | Degrés de comparaison: kondagos, -a:, -on, aussi bon; wellos, -a:, -on, meilleur; werowos, -a:, -on, le meilleur
19. derket (BII), derkon, -i: (no) – voir | DLG, 140 (dans "derco-")
20. det (BII), danon, -i: (no) – mettre, poser | DLG, 124 (dans "condate")
21. drutos, -a:, -on - fort, exubérant, vaillant | DLG, 151
22. di: - de-, ex- (préfixe, valeur intensive et aussi privative) | DLG, 143
23. di:na:wi:t (AII), di:na:wi:ma:, -a:s (fa:) – débarquer; v. dī, nāṷā
24. dunnos, -a:, -on – somber | DLG, 154
25. slitsis, -e:s (fi) – côté | W. ystlys, OIr. slis
26. eni- > in – dans | DLG, 163
27. enina:wi:t (AII), enina:wi:ma:, -a:s (fa:) – embarquer; v. eni-, na:wa:
28. eri – (+abl.) pour, dans le but de; (+acc.) lorsque, pendant, au cours de; autour, alentour; (prefix) peri- | DLG, 166
29. eti, etik - de même, encore, et | DLG, 167
30. gabyet (BII), gabagla:, -a:s (fa:) – prendre | DLG, 173 (dans "gabi")
31. gala:, -a:s (fa:) - pouvoir, vaillance, bravoure, vapeur |v. irl. gal, br. galloud
32. glanna:, -a:s (fa:) – rive | DLG, 179
33. gutsus, -ows (mu) - valeur, force | DLG, 184 (abl. gutsu:, "à peine, par force")
34. inretet (BII), inretus, -ows (mu) - entrer | DLG, 33 (dans "adret-, adress-")
35. kaletos, -a:, -on – dur, difficile, cruel | DLG, 98
36. kanti – avec, ensemble | DLG, 103
37. kebena:, - a:s (fa:) – dos | gall. cefn
38. kom-, kon-, ko- avec, ensemble, également, con- (préfixe, préposition?), DLG, 121
39. komarepennis, -i – opposé | DLG, 53 (dans "arepennis")
40. kori:tro (DAII), koros, -i: (mo) - placer, lancer, mettre | DLG, 125, 190 (racine/thème verbal cor-) (dans "corro-, corro-"; "incors") | v. irl. .cuirethar, I. cuir
41. lawos/lowos, -a:, -on – petit, léger | DLG, 208
42. leget (BI), legos, -esos (ns) – placer | DLG, 211 (dans "lunget")
43. manti:, -ya:s (fi:) – grandeur, taille, quantité | v. irl. méit, gall. maid
44. magus, -ows (mu) - enfant, servant, valet | DLG, 214 (garçon)
45. mallos, -a:, -on – lent, parresseux | DLG, 214
46. ma:ros, -a:, -on – grand | DLG, 218
47. meyos, -a:, -on – petit | DLG, 223, 241 (dans "ollos")
48. monyetro (DBII), menman, -nos (no) – penser | DLG, 225
49. netsa:t (AI), netsa:tus, -ows (mu) – lier, attacher | DLG, 233 (dans "neddamos")
50. nawson, -i: (no) – navire | DLG, 232
51. na:wa:, -a:s (fa:) – bateau | DLG, 232 (dans "nauson")
52. na:wotogyon, -i: (no) – hangar à bateaux, v. nāṷā, togīt
53. nemos, -esos (ns) – ciel | DLG, 234
54. oyges, -tos (mt) – voyageur; convive | v. irl. oígi
55. ollos, -a:, -on - grand ("tous") | DLG, 241
56. ra:mmiyos, -i: (mo) - rame, aviron | gall. rhwyf, v. irl. ráma
57. ra:yet (BII), ra:mus, -ows (mu) - tirer à la rame/aviron | ir. iomramh > *ambirāmus; rámh
58. swallis, -i - petit, insignificant | DLG, 284
59. swadus, -u – doux, facile |DLG, 284
60. tara:t (AI), tara:tus, -ows (mu) – traverser | DLG, 291 (dans "taro-")
61. tares (+ acc.) - à travers | DLG, 291 (dans "taro-") | v. irl. tar, ir. thar
62. te:get (BI), tikhta:, -a:s (fa:) – aller | DLG, 230 (dans "moritex")
63. tegya:, -a:s (fa:) – maison | DLG, 294
64. togi:t (AII), togos/togon, -i: (m/no) – couvrir | DLG, 60 (dans "attegia") | gall. ardwy >*aretogyon, Ir. éadach > *enitogon
65. tokinget (BI), tokamman –nos (nn) – advancer | DLG, 116 (dans "cinges")
66. toni - et aussi, et puis | DLG, 299
67. wegyet (BII), wegyon, -i: (no) – tisser | DLG, 308 (dans "ueadia")
68. werdinget (BII), werdoygon, -i: (no) – forcer, opprimer, contraindre | v. irl. for-ding, nv. fortige
69. werti:t (AII), werton, -i: (no) – tourner | DLG, 316
70. widua:, -a:s (fa:) – forêt | DLG, 320
71. wiros, -i: (mo) – home | DLG, 321
72. wobera:, -a:s (fa:)/wobernon, -i: (no) - bois, forêt | DLG, 325
73. woadgabyet (BII), woadgabagla:, -a:s (fa:) – laisser, quitter | v. irl. fó.acaib
74. wranka:, -a:s (fa:) - branche | DLG, 328
75. yowinkos, -a:, -on – jeune | DLG, 191
DLG - Delamarre, Xavier. Dictionaire de la Langue Gauloise; une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique Continental. Paris: Errance, 2003.
By Bellovesos Isarnos, originally posted on Celticaconlang
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