Thursday, 31 October 2013
A blessed Samhain
Once again the time of the years comes, when the gate between the realms of the living and the dead open, when our ancestors can roam free on our plane, it's time for a merry gathering.
As always Samhain is the time to connect with our loved ones who already left this plane, so we will honor them with joyness and good feelings, and contact them through rituals, so prepare your house and prepare everything to meet up with you relatives today, Happy Halloween!
We can start with a little spell to perform tonight.
Matching Samhain
Colors : Black and Orange
Alternative Names: All Hallows, Mischief Night, Hallowmas, Saman Night, Samaine, Halloween , All Hallows Eve
Gods : Elder Gods, Goddess in her Crone aspect, the God as the Lord of Shadows .
Herbs : Nutmeg, Seer's sage (Salvia), Mint, Myrrh, Patchouli, Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris), Rosemary, Moss, Calendula, Marigold, Bay leaves, Mandrake.
Stones : Obsidian, Snowflake, Onyx, Carnelian, Black Tourmaline, Amber, Garnet, Hematite.
Take resolutions to be put into practice in the next coming year.
Burning solicitations (written on paper).
Crafting a Jack O'Lantern.
Making offerings of bread and apples in the garden to the ancestors.
Divination by Tarot, Runes, Crystal Ball, Scrying through black mirror and cauldrons with water.
Crafting masks to express your shadow.
Crafting brooms.
Craft a Magic Wand.
Make a Witch's Cord (or Witch's Rope) for protection during the course of the year.
Light an orange a candle at midnight to bring good fortune in the coming year.
Erect an Altar with photos of your beloved ancestors and put offerings on it, showing your appreciation and recognition for their deeds on earth.
Sacred Food and Drink: Apple, Pomegranate, Nuts, Cider, Mulled wine, Pumpkin, Herbal tea, Potato.
Burning solicitations
The burning of solicitations is one of the traditional rituals of Samhain. In it we banish everything of negative we this year, and ask for what we want to attract of positive in the magical year that comes.
For this you will need:
Two pieces of white paper;
A pencil;
Grain alcohol;
Bay leaves;
Your Cauldron.
In one of the papers write whatever you want away from your life: obstacles, diseases, unwanted people, difficulties, etc..
The other write whatever you want to attract into your life: health, wealth, love, success, etc..
Be very specific in your requests and do not forget to end signing your name and putting the following sentence: That this is correct and for the good of all.
Put a little alcohol in your Cauldron, light the cauldron and throw the first paper, the one that contains the things that you want to move away, on fire. While the paper burns, mentalize the evil going away. Ask the Goddess and God that all the negative forces are eliminated and that evil is banished.
Wait for the fire go out, then put a little more alcohol in the Cauldron, taking due care, because alcohol when placed in a hot container evaporates and can combust spontaniously. Then throw the second paper, the one that contains the things you want to attract into your life, into the fire. Throw the bay leaves in the flames, always viewing the good things you want to attract into your life.
When the fire is over, concentrate on the smoke caused by the leaves, climbing the heavens, and ask that your solicitations to rise to the plane of the Gods.
Crafting a Jack O'Lantern
The making of the Jack O'Lantern is a traditional activity of this Sabbat. They decorate our whole house during the day, besides serving as indispensable ornaments for the ceremony of this Sabbat .
Place a Jack outside your home on the night of Samhain to ward off evil spirits and unwanted visitors from other planes .
To craft a Jack you will need:
· A pumpkin or squash;
· A knife;
· A white candle;
· An essential oil of patchouli.
Make a lid on top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and with the knife slot a face on the pumpkin the way you see fit. Anoint the white candle with the essence of patchouli and place it inside the pumpkin. Light the candle saying:
With this candle, this light and the breeze that comes from beyond
I give a warm welcome to the spirits in this night of Samhain.
Braiding a Witch's rope
Twisting a Witch's rope is a traditional act on the night of Samhain. They symbolize the rope that connects us all to the Otherworld, beyond being a symbolic representation of the umbilical cord that brings all the terrestrial life.
The Witch rope is made using appropriate colors that symbolize what you want to attract into your life in the coming magical year. So choose the correct color for making your Witch's rope is essential:
White: For harmony.
Red: To ward off enemies, overcome obstacles, attract grit and courage .
Orange: For success and prosperity.
Rose: To attract love.
Black: To protect and ward off bad luck.
Green: For abundance.
Yellow: To attract health and be lucky in trade.
If your need is greater than just a color can offer, you can choose up to three different colors to represent your wishes for the coming year.
Take three strings in the color or colors chosen and cut them to the extent of your height. Then start to braid the strings, always viewing what you want to attract into your life, asking the Goddess and the God to assist and bless the rope you are braiding.
When finished, sew or glue some symbols along the string representing your goal. For example: hearts for love; coins for prosperity, etc..
Put your rope on your altar during the celebration of the Sabbath and consecrate it during the ceremony.
Hang your Witch's rope in a place of your home and whenever you view it, remember the goals that motivated the confection it. So your will shall be activated .
The Samhain Ritual
Materials needed :
· Cauldron;
· A black candle;
· An orange candle;
· An apple;
· A bread made by you;
· A pomegranate;
· Two pieces of white paper;
· Pencil;
· A Rosemary;
· A wooden spoon;
· Alcohol cereal;
· The Goblet with wine.
Procedure: Place the cauldron on the altar, and arrange the orange candle on the right and the black candle on the left side. Place the apple near the orange candle and pomegranate near the black candle. Draw the Magic Circle and then say:
On this holy day, in which the veil that separates the worlds is thinnest, we are visited by our ancestors.
That the Crone Goddess and Shadow Lord can bless all the loved ones who come to share this Sabbat Rite
Burn the candles, saying:
'Sacred Ancestors, come to me.
Tonight I sing magic and perform this ritual in honor of those who left to the Summerlands
Thas this rite be pleasing to the eyes of those who have gone.
Blessed are they all."
Raise the Cauldron, saying :
"This is the mother's womb, the Cauldron of ends and beginnings."
Put the cauldron back in its place and take a piece of paper. Init write whatever you want away from your life. Light it into the black candle and let it burn inside the cauldron.
Take another piece of paper and write down everything you want to attract into your life. Light it on the orange candle and let it burn inside the cauldron.
Place the rosemary in the Cauldron, along with the ashes, and start stirring the mixture clockwise, saying:
"That the old man dies and the new may enter.
By the power of Life and Death,
I welcome the spirits of Samhain tonight."
Put a little alcohol into the Cauldron and then light the fire, saying:
"Through this light and the linked sea beyond,
I greet all the spirits of Samhain tonight."
Look at the flames of the fire and mentalize all your desires.
With your Athame, open the pomegranate, with few seeds, while thinking all the negative things you want to get away from your life. Put some seeds in the fire.
Cut the apple in half, eat one part and throw a small piece in the flames of the Cauldron. View now all you want to attract of positive.
With your wooden spoon, stir the contents of your cauldron and then say:
"That the negative becomes positive,
That evil is transformed into good,
As the disease becomes health
And hatred into love."
Drink a sip of wine and pour a little into the cauldron, making a libation, while saying:
"I make this libation in honor of the Goddess and God.
Homage also to all my ancestors.
So be it and so be it!"
Touch your bread with the wand and say:
I consecrate thee in the name of the Ancient ones.
That you bring me health, success, prosperity and love.
Eat a piece of bread.
Sing, dance and feast in honor of the Goddess and your ancestors.
Thank the Ancestors and erase the Circle.
Put the rest of the bread in your garden or at the foot of a tree as an offering to your ancestors.
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